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Data Models


The graphs show a simplified structure diagram of a subset of all related objects. They are meant to to give you a rough overview of what objects are available to describe and enrich the resources.

More details on the exact usage of each objecs are in the API documentation.

Plant structure

The normal plant structure is made up of nodes, instrumentations and assets. Any arrangement and depth of nesting is possible.
The data model allows full flexibility. We recommend to build standard structures in the order of node > instrumentation > asset.

asset tag node

This m:n relation between instrumentation, assets and nodes shown in this picture are skipped in all following graphs.

Parent child structure

Some plant structures are straight forward, others are more complex.
Assets can have multiple sensors that correspond to different tags. In that case you model the actual device as parent asset and add the sensors as children. The children are each assigned to their corresponding tag and collect their data separately.



Assets are central in a production plant and are related to many other objects. This overview shows the most important. asset star

Read more about linking assets to API subscriptions in section assigned assets.


Besides the plant structure mentioned above, instrumentation can be further described and associated with a large number of other objects. One thing to mention with instrumentation is that you can define thresholds in case you collect measurement values and want to react on them. Notifications can be triggered when thresholds are crossed.

instrumetation star


Nodes are simple building blocks. They are mostly used to build up tree structures. You can add the following objects to further describe nodes:

node star


Documents can be seen as the meta level of an actual file or a collection of files. To generally describe document content, there are a number of categories available. Classification is used to discern private files from public ones.

document star


Products can be linked to product categories. Furthermore spareparts can be maintained in Netilion.

document star


Events are always associated with a main object, such as an asset, instrumentation or node. The graph shows the standard set of attribute objects that can be added to an event.

event star