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Response Codes

Netilion API will return the following HTTP codes:

Response Body Content Type
200okapplication/jsonSuccess response with a response body.
201createdapplication/jsonSuccessfully created a new resource. The response body contains the new resource and associated object IDs.
204no contentSuccess response without a response body on update or delete
400bad requestapplication/jsonThe server did not process the request due to a client error such as a malformed request syntax, too large size, invalid request message framing or deceptive request routing. See a list of bad request error codes below.
401unauthorizedapplication/jsonMissing or wrong API key, username or password. Error codes: invalid_api_key, invalid_auth_type, unauthorized
402quota_exceededapplication/jsonAPI Subscription quota is used up or expired. Error codes: quota_exceeded, expired_api_key
403forbiddenapplication/jsonThe request is valid, but the user is not authorized to access the resource. Error codes: access_denied, read_only, immutable, attachments_limit_exceeded
404not foundapplication/jsonThe requested resource could not be found, or is not visible to the requesting user. Error codes: not_found_no_permission
409conflictapplication/jsonA conflict would arrise by allowing the request. It is denied to maintain data consistency. Error codes: assigned_restriction, api_lockout, parent, no_owner, write_protected_attribute, association_conflict including the conflicting resource.
415unsupported media typeapplication/jsonThe request contains a media type that is not whitelisted as attachment MIME type.
429too many requestsapplication/jsonThrottling of requests when there are too many requests per minute from one API key. Error codes: too_many_requests
500internal server errorapplication/jsonA problem has occurred on the server’s side. Error codes: internal_server_error, service_unavailable

API errors

The response bodys of the API errors are structured as follows:

"errors": [
"type": "string",
"message": "string",
"attribute": "string"

The attribute defines the resource that is causing the error such as asset, node etc.
Error codes are stable within the API version.

Implemented error types are:

  • access_denied - access to the required resource denied
  • api_lockout - action would lead to an API lockout
  • assigned - target object has resource assigned
  • assigned_restriction - target object can’t be deleted because of dependent resources
  • association_blank - mandatory association was blank
  • association_not_found - invalid reference used for object dependency
  • associations_not_found - invalid references used for object dependency
  • associations_already_added - duplicate association (m:n)
  • association_tenant_conflict - tenant association mismatch
  • association_conflict - association mismatch
  • blank - mandatory field was not set
  • boolean_format - value is not a boolean
  • date_format - invalid date format for field
  • date_range - invalid date range
  • date_time_format - invalid date time format for field
  • date_year_month_format - invalid date/year month/year format
  • greater_than - value to high for numeric field
  • id_format - invalid format of an ID field
  • internal_server_error - unexpected error on server
  • invalid - format not allowed
  • invalid_input - invalid input data caused an error
  • invalid_enum_value - the given value is not a valid enum value
  • key_format - invalid key format
  • lockout - action would lead to a resource lockout
  • less_than - value to low for numeric field
  • missing_header - a mandatory request header is missing
  • missing_parameter - a mandatory request parameter is missing
  • not_a_number - for numerical fields
  • not_unique_in_scope - resource not unique in corresponding scope
  • number_format - wrong input for number
  • parameter_missing - required parameter for resource is missing
  • parent - resource can not be deleted cause its a parent to other resources
  • present - field that should not be set
  • quota_exceeded - file, image or asset could not be created because the subscription quota has exceeded
  • specification_not_found - specification for given key not found
  • specifications_not_found - specifications for given keys not found
  • taken - unique field is already taken
  • tenant_on_child - tenant parent/child conflict
  • too_long - length not in valid range
  • too_short - length not in valid range
  • unconfirmed - user is unconfirmed
  • wrong_format - invalid date format for field
  • wrong_length - does not match exact length